Tuesday 25 February 2014

this governor got the chance to go on a tour of all the classes on Monday afternoon to see writing week in action. And it was truly a privilege! 
I saw children drawing fantastical dragons,  which they were beginning to either label or describe. Chestnut class has a very friendly visitor this week - all made of cardboard (with 2 umbrella wings). One dragon had four heads and would eat anyone his creator didn't like. Another made everyone feel happy when it flew overhead.
I saw other groups solving age-old mysteries with highwaymen on salisbury plains or describing some amazing images .
It was great to see so much excitement and engagement in each class. And the rest of the week's timetable looks fab, building on this start and with the added excitement of visiting authors. 
My thanks to everyone who made me feel so welcome, teachers and children alike,  and especially Mrs Fiddy.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Today a few governors attended training on pupil premium grant analysis.
Pupil premium money is targeted at children who are at risk of being disadvantaged by a known gap in achievement associated with how well-off their parents are (or being in care, or a service family background),  which is even more marked in Wiltshire than nationally.  All schools have to account for how this money is spent. (Our statement is on our website under the parents menu heading.)
We learned some evidence-based actions that can best improve progress in learning and looked at Ofsted tools for analysing our own pupil premium provision.
We will be sharing what we learned with the full governing body.
pupil premium faq

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The resources team of Governors met tonight. Among other business we were checking that the school can properly answer the 23 rigorous questions asked in the Schools Financial Value Statement.
We were pleased to be able to answer each question positively.  
We take our responsibilities to the public purse seriously and carefully monitor income and expenditure. We never fail to be impressed by the financial management procedures in place. We are on track to meet our budget. Spending all the money we get for the children on the children, with no predicted over-spend, as things stand now.