Wednesday 26 November 2014

Roy Bexon,  Chair of Governors,  and Sue Bale, community governor at FGB#2

Wednesday 5 November 2014

A huge thank you to all the staff for making us governors feel so welcome on the first St Mark's governor day.
For myself, I started the day by observing the turning circle and the way it was being used for dropping off. There are still many people parking, double parking, and even reversing into pedestrians. I was a bit shocked.
 Assembly featured lovely singing, a fascinating visitor from Trussell Trust and very impressively well-behaved children.
MsPhillips took small groups of Governors on learning walks around all the classrooms. The walk I went on had a special focus of Reading.  We looked at displays and reading corners, and were very impressed by the level of engagement we observed in varied activities.
I spent the afternoon with Mr Williams and yr 5, using green screen technology to place children in 1916 to read soldiers' letters home. Some of these should be going on yr 5 blogs soon, all being well .
Have you checked out your children's year group blogs recently?
Every class I went into made me feel included and welcome. And fab to see so many parents at the open afternoon too.